Even though health is an integral part of our lives, it does not get the importance due to it. It has been noticed that we generally do not care to keep ourselves updated with latest developments in the field of health and hygiene. A small segment of the population dedicated to the cause of healthcare can not suffice the purpose, nor can they do justice to the medical requirement of an entire community.
Young and old, rich and poor, health is the essence of everybody’s life. Yet, it is the most neglected subject in our country.
This could be partly because of our laidback attitude, and partly because the subject has assumed an aura of an elitist concept around it. We tend to neglect our individual healthcare requirements till we develop some complications. Unless we feel the need for some medical intervention, we don’t even visit a doctor.
Doctor though treats our diseases; he is not responsible for our day-today healthcare needs. We alone can take care of our health needs.
The Drug Today Medical Times is an attempt to generate interest in health and hygiene among the people and keep them abreast of latest developments in the field of medicine through news and features in a simple and lucid style which a layman would find comprehensible and interesting.
Recognizing the need for interesting and informative content for a growing health-conscious Indian audience, we have taken an initiative to fill a communication void in the form of the DTMT.
The newspaper is first of its kind national level medical newspaper with a focus on medical issues beyond the professional domain. Here is the DTMT in your hand, a unique effort at bringing out the best of medical journalism with feature content ranging from current affairs in the medical world, pharma news and medical reviews to advancements in the field of medicine like robotic surgery, regeneration of stem cells and also the time-tested practices of Ayurveda, yoga and homeopathy.
As a newspaper, our endeavor would be to provide an overall perspective to our readers so that they are empowered to make informed choices for their healthcare and medical needs. The DTMT will zealously counter the forces that undermine the value of healthcare, be it political, social, or commercial. We seek to publish high-end information and real news as they happen. Our commitment to the national and international health ensures that research and analysis from all regions of the world is widely covered.
Critical appraisal of medical issues will be ensured by comment and correspondence sections. With the DTMT we aim to carry forward the legacy of the Drug Today, South Asia’s leading medical journal, to provide the most efficient and reliable information both to the healthcare providers and the general public. In the last twenty years of our existence, the Drug Today has emerged the largest circulated medical journal in the region. In line with the Drug Today, the DTMT will be a reformist medical newspaper breaking barriers and bridging gaps between medicos, government and the general public.
In order to achieve this aim we invite original submissions in a variety of formats, including peer-reviewed articles, points of view, book reviews, success stories and most importantly criticism. Please feel free to send in your comments and submissions at info@drugtodayonline.com. On behalf of the team at the DTMT, I would like to thank you all for your continued support and valued patronage.